The competition to hire qualified workers continues to increase during The Great Resignation. This makes it challenging to find workers to fill your open roles.
One solution to this problem is to focus on underqualified workers. These workers typically have transferrable skills, a willingness to learn, and the motivation to succeed. They also have a positive attitude and strong professional references. As a result, underqualified workers may be the answer to your hiring issues.
Discover why opening up your candidate pool to underqualified workers may be the answer to your hiring challenges.
Emphasis on Professional Growth
Underqualified workers tend to be enthusiastic about learning. They value gaining knowledge and developing their skill sets.
These workers enjoy sharing their ideas, perspectives, and feedback to benefit the company. This passion helps underqualified workers advance in the organization. As a result, these workers should be included in your hiring decisions.
Blend with Company Culture
Underqualified workers who fit your company culture are as likely to succeed as qualified workers. Workers whose personal beliefs align with your company’s mission, vision, and values typically put in their best effort to help the business grow.
This alignment provides motivation for the worker to help reach company goals. It also supports your bottom line.
Time Savings
Underqualified workers who are adaptable and willing to learn can fill your job openings. This decreases your time to hire. You can invest your time in other essential activities.
Monetary Savings
Underqualified workers typically expect to get paid less than qualified workers. As a result, you should be able to negotiate a lower starting salary for an underqualified worker than a qualified worker. You can invest the savings as part of the worker’s training and likely remain ahead.
As the underqualified worker gains experience, they can advance within your organization. This increases your return on investment. It also reduces the time and money needed to hire externally.
Company Loyalty
Underqualified workers are grateful to be hired for roles they can grow into. As a result, they work hard to fill their job duties and responsibilities.
Over time, these workers look for ways to add more value to the company. This often leads to advancement within the organization. The longer a worker remains, the lower your hiring, onboarding, and training costs.
Want Help Sourcing Qualified Workers?
Staff Right Solutions can match you with qualified workers to fill your open roles. Get started today.